Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why It Pays...

Ryan and I have both been "under the weather" this week.  We have been quite the pair going through boxes of Kleenex's, bags of cough drops, and a whole bottle of Ibuprofen.  We've been doing all the right things by getting our vitamin C, taking naps and getting to bed early, and staying warm on the couch watching Christmas movies.

It just so happens that while we are both feeling this way and on the road to recovery, a blizzard hits Wisconsin for the first time in years!  It is times like these that it really pays to be married, and you appreciate the love and care of your husband so much more.  Here is my man snowblowing in the blizzard all bundled up and wearing his snowboarding goggles.  It definitely pays to be married right now in Wisconsin and I'm glad its to this guy!

Stay warm everyone!

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