Saturday, November 24, 2012

Natural Ways to Boost Immune System

With the winter season on its way the sniffles and colds will be in full force soon!  So what are some natural ways to keep healthy and boost your immune system?  Research shows that these are all natural immune boosters, so try to get your fill of these things to stay healthy this winter!

1.  Vitamin D- Taking Vitamin D during the winter is essential to your health.  The amount of sun exposure we get during the dark winter months decreases our levels of Vitamin D which in turn lowers our bodies ability to fight viruses.
2.  Aloe Vera- Aloe Vera juice not only fights viruses and bacteria, but also aids in digestion.
3. Reduce Sugar Consumption- Whenever you eat alot of high fructose corn syrup it will weaken your immune system. 
4.  Vitamin C- Contains antioxidants that fight cold and flus.  Eat lots of fruits or vitamin C supplements.
5. Garlic- It contains antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.  Add 2 cloves to your ingredients while cooking and it will help keep you healthy all winter!
6. Zinc-Can help shorten the duration of a cold.  In over the counter items like Zicam and Coldeeze drops.
7. Rest- Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night to let your body fight off anything and recover! 
8. Drink lots of water- help flush anything out of your body by staying hydrated. 

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