Friday, November 16, 2012

Flu shot or termination....You Decide!

The Center for Disease Control announced its goal for 100% of healthcare employees to be flu vaccinated each year.  Many healthcare facilities and states like Rhode Island, have rallied together to not only encourage the flu vaccination, but also require it for all healthcare employees.  Failure to do so would mean termination of employment. 

Healthcare workers pledge to a code of ethics which states the primary commitment is to the health, well being and safety of the patient.  While accepting the job of providing care to patients ultimately requires us to do everything we can with their best interest in mind, where is the line drawn for personal opinion, conviction, and informed consent as individuals to make our own healthcare decisions?   Should this commitment to our patients also include whatever can be injected or given to us as employees to keep them safe?  

The CDC goal is to reduce the amount of patient deaths caused by healthcare workers that are either symptomatic or asymptomatic for the flu, and are passing it on to patients with compromised immune systems.   

While the CDC data indicates 60% effectiveness for the flu shot, it also states that there are many varied outcomes each year from their randomized testing and that scientists are working on creating a better way to conduct and evaluate the effectiveness.  While OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is for the encouragement of the flu shot, interestingly their stance is also against making it mandatory for employees.  OSHA states there is insufficient evidence as to the benefits of the flu shot to require it and possibly result in termination. 

There are many others that are concerned with this new policy that is spreading.  In an article from, Barbara Fisher who is the president of the National Vaccine Information Center stated, “In America shouldn’t it be the right to make informed voluntary choices of preventative healthcare, especially when there are risks involved?”  A nurses association in Denver, Colorado is also signing a petition against the new policy, saying that as healthcare professionals they are offended to be forced into a decision.  A facebook fan page was also created titled People against mandatory flu shots for healthcare workers.

While these two ethical principles battle against one another, one being, what is the best choice for our patients, and two, should any individual be forced into a preventable healthcare decision;  the other big question is are we even educated as to what is in this vaccination?  How many of us go to the office, fill out a form, get stuck with a needle and walk out the door hoping that it keeps us from getting sick for another year.  Whew, at least it’s over we think!  I mean, who likes needles?
If only we would take responsibility for our own healthcare, instead of lining up to get something because were forced to do it and not care.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we were educated with real statistics as to the benefits of receiving this vaccination and as to what ingredients are actually in it?  Or are we just pigs to the slaughter that line up for something we know nothing about?

The FDA Fluvirin guide on page 14 states that it has not been evaluated for carcinogenic (cancerous) or mutagenic potential.  It is also not known if the vaccine can cause fetal harm.  It is only recommended to a pregnant woman if clearly needed.

It also states it contains the following ingredients:

Thimerosal- Traces of thimserosal, a toxic, mercury derivative chemical and larger amounts in multiuse vials to prevent contamination in between vials.  Mercury is a poisonous element and once ingested, injected, or inhaled will stay within the body and accumulate.  Some theory that because of the flu shot your chances for Alzheimer's are increased due to the mercury which can cause memory loss along with many other disorders.
Ovalbumin- derived from traces of egg white proteins which is why they ask questions regarding egg allergies.
Formaldehyde- According to the CDC it also contains formaldehyde, which is an embalming fluid and a known carcinogen (cancerous agent). 

So what do you think?  What do you know about the flu shot-has it helped you?  Do you think that the code of ethics to keep our patients safety a priority and the statistics with the effectiveness of the flu shot are enough to make it mandatory? 

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