Saturday, January 26, 2013

Attention Ice Cream Lovers: Yonanas

There is nothing I love more after a hard day of work than coming home, scooping a huge bowl of ice cream, and sitting on the couch watching one of my favorite tv shows. Truthfully, I enjoy ice cream anytime of the day....breakfast, lunch or dinner.  Mix in this enormous love and addiction to ice cream with a sensitive stomach to dairy, it creates not good things later in the day if you know what I mean.
Recently I saw a talk show displaying Yonanas.  Besides my crockpot, this has become my new favorite kitchen appliance.   For all you ice cream lovers that have weight loss resolutions, this is a MUST buy!
The Yonanas takes frozen fruit and turns it into the consistency of ice cream!  Most recipes call for bananas which give it the creamy texture of ice cream.   I have made mixtures with bananas, strawberries, raspberries, and peaches.  You can also make mint chocolate chip by using bananas and dark chocolate with mint flavoring.
There is also a recipe book sold online for more ideas.
I love how this cures my cravy for ice cream at night, without all the calories and dairy which gets me sick!   Here's to keeping new year resolutions!! 


  1. This sounds like something I have to have! We always have frozen fruit here, but I get sick of smoothies and such... I don't think I could ever get sick of ice cream, though! What recipe is your favorite so far?

  2. Oh that looks delicious. I'd love to get something like this. I just found your cute blog! I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!

