Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Launching into the Blog World!

Hello!  Welcome to my blog.  Sitting around the kitchen table with my family one Sunday afternoon we got on the topic of blogs.  My parents had never heard of them, so I explained how blogs have the ability of sharing aspects of a stranger's life in a way that makes you feel you know them personally.  With some encouragement from others, and previous thoughts of my own, I too created this blog in order to share my own experiences in life and travel. 

The inspiration for this idea actually begins with a story.  As a child I loved watching the movie "Little Women."  There is one scene in particular that has always stood out to me.  It starts with the main character, Jo March, when she embarks on a life adventure to study abroad and befriends a professor.  In groups they would discuss deep political topics, and at one point, she impresses these scholarly men with her maturity and knowledge.  "You should have been a lawyer," one man said, surprised that a woman could possess such intellectual opinions, much less one with so little education, financial wealth, and life experiences. She replied graciously, "I should have been a great many things."

The boldness and confidence by which she spoke inspired me.  It seemed like such a powerful statement from someone who had little formal education or worldly background, and was surrounded by intelligent, wealthy, and well-versed people.  Growing up I don't think I really felt that I excelled specifically in any area, except perhaps sports in a small private school.  I had no calling and wasn't convinced I was created to go into one certain area of education following high school like some of my other friends.  As I've gotten older and discovered the talents and gifts God has graciously given me, I too feel that I should be/have been a great many things.  Soon I will be a certified radiologic technologist by trade, and a public speaker, photographer, artist, traveler, park ranger, counselor, doctor, and avid nutritionist at heart. 

A quote I heard the other day I think defines many of us, especially Christians who aspire to become more like Christ daily and yet continually feel they fall short of the person God desires them to be.

"I'm not what I could be.  I'm not what I should be.  But I am not who I was."

Even when I feel like my faith and life should be so much further, I can rest knowing that I am in the center of where God wants me to be at this very moment and know that I am not who I was yesterday.  Through life experiences He has taught me so much.  So that is what my blog will be about.  The God-given experiences, interests and passions that I have and want to share with the world....

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